I know that you are going to a better place, but selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race, and I want you back. For a brief moment I would like to step aside from the typical drinking related content provided at The Ferm and eulogize on your magnificence. Never have I wanted a Hoffy Burger and a 1560 The Beer so bad… For the reader that has not yet heard the news, Chance McClain and his closest of creative buddies have made a prequel to the online cult hit Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog... and it may be one of the greatest, most inspired, and whimsically hilarious fanmade movie ever recorded. I was among several hundred that gathered to see the World Premier of Horrible Turn (follow the link to watch the movie online) last night, and it was there I caught what may be my last sighting of Chance McClain and Frank Bullington, or Chank. If it was not known when this film project began, certainly it became known last night: We do not deserve Chank. Chank has an excess of creativity. The laboratory from which Chank once secretly worked at 1560 The Game is no longer equipped to support Chank's capacity. To think Chank should continue cranking out humorous commercials, collegiate fan songs, and catchy Houston sports hero tunes is to be greedy. Chank's passion and vision is infectious, and on this 11-10-09 (or Horrible Turn Premier +1 -- HTP+1) I bid a fond farewell. Good luck. It was nice having songs about granite counter-tops stuck in my head for days at a time. May a flight of angels sing thee to thy… throne, or wherever you will land. You will be missed *sniff* update: Entertainment Weekly gives Horrible Turn some serious props...
'Dr. Horrible' prequel is fan-made -- and fantastic
Interesting Events February 2025
Meeting in person and directing our attention intentionally is more
important than ever. Some events that sound interesting in San Francisco
and online: Wa...
1 day ago
Alas fair brewer of love juice, Chank is now reinvigorated and committed to creating even more glorious commercials and midnight radio shows. Horrible Turn, as consuming as it was, was done in spare time and weekends and the magnificent thing about working at 1560 is the omnipresence of nights and weekends. Rather than farewell, plan on better radio and more movies. The Chank has spoken.